
From data to discovery, from discovery to solutions.

No matter the scale or scope of your project, we offer a targeted and well-designed approach, the right tools, and exceptional performance.

Focus Areas

  • Behavioral Health

    为寻求减少精神疾病和药物滥用影响的客户, 趣赢平台提供了对最佳实践和项目的关键见解. 我们的研究为客户提供解决阿片类药物成瘾问题的可行见解, tobacco use, and complex behavioral health issues.

  • Clinical Research

    趣赢平台的临床研究解决方案帮助客户有效地将重要的治疗方法和疗法推向市场,以应对慢性健康状况和新出现的传染病. 我们的丰富经验大大扩展了目前对疾病的认识, advancing health outcomes for society at large.

  • Education

    韦斯特的教育重点也是我们客户的重点:确定确保所有学习者获得优质教育的最佳途径. So we find answers to support education equity, inclusive environments, teacher effectiveness, institutional capacity building, early learning, and better outcomes for students with disabilities.

  • Food and Nutrition

    当食品不安全或健康饮食知识不足威胁到美国人的健康时, 趣赢平台开创性的方法支持我们客户的营养援助计划, ensuring individuals’ access to affordable, nutritious food; consumption of healthier diets; and receipt of entitled benefits without compromising effective public fund management.

  • Health Services Research and Health Policy

    Can clients enhance their health care system’s value, patient care experiences and outcomes, and health equity while reducing costs? 趣赢平台在创新医疗服务模式和基于价值的医疗服务方面的专业知识提供了答案, contributing to both health care providers and patients.

  • Labor and Workforce Development

    Is job dissatisfaction impacting productivity? 职业培训是否能帮助失业的美国人找到工作,雇主是否能找到熟练工人? How extensive are workers’ rights violations? 客户如何加强对残疾人的就业服务? 趣赢平台’s rigorous research finds the answers.

  • Public Health

    趣赢平台的数据科学和多中心方法使客户能够在预防方面取得突破性的医学进步, diagnose and treat communicable and noncommunicable diseases. For decades, 我们的承诺没有改变:利用我们的研究专长来保护和改善公众的健康.

  • Social Services

    趣赢平台运用我们的分析和监测人才,帮助客户有效和公平地应对多种人群的需求:老年人, at-risk youth, veterans, children and families, victims of sexual violence, individuals experiencing homelessness, and others seeking to thrive.

  • Transportation

    How can we reduce traffic fatalities, make our roads and vehicles safer, and plan for future transportation needs? 趣赢平台’s examination of driver behaviors, emerging technological advances, 当前和未来的交通模式使客户能够使交通更安全、更高效.


  • Advanced Technologies

    趣赢平台在基础设施、软件和安全方面使用最先进的技术. 我们通过使用强大的计算机辅助访谈系统来支持客户的研究挑战, survey processing tools, and innovative statistical software.

  • Biostatistics and Epidemiology

    趣赢平台优化客户的临床试验、观察和疾病监测研究,以迅速产生维护和改善国民健康所需的情报. 我们的研究人员回答了人们对疫苗有效性和疾病的担忧.

  • Communications

    如果没有战略性的传播规划,接触和影响受众可能会很困难. 趣赢平台屡获殊荣的传播团队为客户提供创意, data-driven, 通过多种媒体渠道传播高影响力的健康促进信息, events, and partnerships, encouraging positive health behaviors for targeted populations.

  • Data Collection

    数据是研究的基础,收集数据需要无与伦比的技巧. 趣赢平台为客户提供这种专业知识,从培训数据收集者,招募和维护积极的参与者到选择最佳的收集方法, managing the process, and handling environmental and biological specimens.

  • Data Science

    提供及时、高质量的数据并帮助客户了解这些数据是我们的首要任务. By empowering data through advanced analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, geographic information systems, and data visualization techniques, 趣赢平台使客户能够推动智能解决方案,以促进公共卫生.

  • Equity

    韦斯特促进公平的努力始于一种人人都有发言权的文化, 并扩展到将多维公平镜头应用于项目. We prioritize diversity, equity, 包容既是组织价值观,也是我们工作的框架.

  • Evaluation and Mixed-Methods Research

    国家的社会项目和政策真的成功了吗? Can they be more effective? 趣赢平台’s impact, implementation, and outcome evaluations answer these questions, helping clients course correct, if necessary, 或者采用新的方法,为不同的人群取得更有利的结果.

  • Statistical Methods

    趣赢平台 is world-renowned for advanced, 创造性的统计方法,为客户的挑战提供解决方案. Our deep understanding of survey statistics, analysis and modeling, data harmonization and data linkage, 数据隐私保证了可信数据的交付,从而为明智的决策提供信息.

  • Survey Design

    客户是否需要大型全国性研究或小型调查, the data quality must be exceptional. 趣赢平台’s trailblazing multimode data collection strategies, 访谈技术和数据管理和协调方法保证了这一点,以便客户能够解决他们面临的挑战.

  • Technical Assistance

    是否需要设计和实施系统变更计划, engaging stakeholders, developing trainings, or creating tools and products to expeditiously yield results, 趣赢平台 responds with innovative, 量身定制的技术援助(TA)——帮助客户帮助接受者实现最终目标.

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