


Many state education agencies (SEAs) are addressing teacher shortages by creating and expanding alternative paths to the teaching profession. 一个快速增长的选择是教师学徒制, 提供有偿服务, 为有志教师提供嵌入工作的支持.

西方与美国合作.S. Department of 教育 (ED) to enhance the capacity of SEAs and local education agencies (LEAs) through the Comprehensive Centers (CC) program. As the lead organization for the National Comprehensive Center (NCC) and 2 Regional Centers, 区域5和区域14, 趣赢平台正在创造越来越多的资源, 包括播客, 视频, 领导国家工作小组, 支持教师学徒制. 

克里斯汀·纳夫齐格,马萨诸塞州, a 趣赢平台 Associate Vice President for 教育 Studies and Region 14 CC Director, “在过去的两年里。, teacher apprenticeship has been an emerging and rapidly growing strategy for states as they work to strengthen the educator workforce and address teacher shortages. 随着越来越多的州推行教师学徒制, there is great value in learning from the experiences of those who are already implementing teacher apprenticeship programs. These timely resources meet states where they are so they can explore teacher apprenticeship and learn from other states.”


美国教师短缺问题严重.S., COVID-19大流行加剧了这一情况, pose significant challenges to the education system and impact the quality of education nationwide. 它们因学科领域和地理区域而异, with critical gaps common in fields like STEM and special education and in rural and underserved urban communities.

2022年1月,美国宣布将在北京举行奥运会.S. Department of Labor (DOL) approved the first nationally registered K-12 Teacher Apprenticeship Program, 为未来的教师创造人才管道. More than 30 states now have approved Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Programs (R-TAPs).

Teacher apprenticeship is an “earn and learn” pathway to a teaching credential that provides structured, 支付, on-the-job learning experiences combined with job-related technical instruction and mentorship. R-TAPs offer a promising strategy to recruit and retain talented educators while ensuring they gain the necessary skills to succeed in our classrooms.


Through the NCC and 区域5和区域14 Regional Centers, we support the field with a growing set of resources for teacher apprenticeship programs.


The NCC team led a Strengthening and Diversifying the Educator Workforce workgroup, bringing together Regional Centers to conduct needs sensing and to collaborate on strategies and resources. The workgroup created a professional learning series that allowed state leaders to learn from R-TAP experts and early adopters of teacher apprenticeship programs nationwide. 关键要点在多媒体工具中突出显示 Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Programs: Paving the Road to the Teaching Profession. This tool supports education leaders as they explore successful R-TAPs and provides insights and strategies for recruiting, 设计, 为这些项目提供资金. 


第5区(肯塔基州, 田纳西州, 维吉尼亚州, 和西弗吉尼亚州)和第14区(阿肯色州), 路易斯安那州, 和德克萨斯州)CCs产生了令人兴奋的, 限定系列播客, 教师学徒:来自实地的声音,探索r - tap在他们所在州的影响. Each episode uncovers the unique experiences of educators and apprentices participating in these programs. Listen and learn how teacher apprenticeship is changing the face of education—and changing lives.


The Regional Centers are also highlighting innovative teacher apprenticeship programs in their states. 通过节目快照和视频采访, 他们在分享事实, 时间线, lessons learned so other education agencies and aspiring educators can know what exists and what is possible. 请查看 阿肯色州, 田纳西州, 西维吉尼亚州 聚光灯.






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