



综合中心网络(CCNetwork)由美国政府资助.S. 教育署(署), 为国家提供能力建设服务, 区域, local, 部落教育机构(SEAs), REAs, LEAs, and TEAs) and schools to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for all students. 的CCNetwork, 由19个区域综合中心组成, 国家综合中心(National Center), 以韦斯特为首. The National Center has 2 main responsibilities: provide support and coordination for the entire CCNetwork and provide technical assistance to SEAs and LEAs. 更多关于国家中心的信息可以在 关于国家综合中心的YouTube视频.

国家中心是在突如其来的背景下启动的, 广泛的, 以及2019冠状病毒病大流行期间的系统性需求. Schools shut down in many locations across the country; students, 家庭, and educators adjusted to online learning environments; student engagement and wellness became a significant concern; and student achievement, 特别是对我们最脆弱的学生, 容易滑倒.

应对这些历史性挑战, the Department initiated a call to action for SEAs and LEAs to leverage American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funding to accelerate learning recovery and promote equity.


The National Center deployed a portfolio of efforts to support educators across the country as they provided opportunities for all students to access high-quality, evidence-based learning opportunities that would accelerate their learning both during and after the pandemic. 例如,国家中心:

  • 领导暑期学习和丰富合作 (SLEC), a series of 7 national webinars conducted in the spring and summer of 2020 for state and local educational leaders. The SLEC connected a network of providers in the space of summer learning programming with educators needing guidance and support to rapidly plan and launch summer programing that would re-engage students in high-quality opportunities for learning and social development.
  • 启动了3个全国实践社区, 重点利用ARP ESSER基金支持循证规划, to ensure equitable access to critical learning opportunities into school improvement initiatives and take advantage of ARP ESSER’s earmarked funds for afterschool and summer programming to expand learning and enrichment opportunities for students. 趣赢平台 created a password-protected website where we enabled discussion forums and in-site chat for each of the 3 communities. 在那个空间里, members could access resources and recordings from each of the sessions as well as have direct communication with the leads between CoP sessions. The leads also shared “homework assignments” to the members to prepare for the next meeting.
  • 成立并领导加速学习工作小组, 由来自全国各地区域综合中心的领导组成, which has developed and disseminated a range of resources that support student engagement, 高质量的教学, 高剂量辅导, 教育一致性.

The 国家综合中心的网站 专门用来展示国家中心的所有产品, 服务, 和资源, many of which have been inspired by needs that peaked during the pandemic and continue to evolve during this period of educational recovery.


  • Over 1,300教育工作者, 合作伙伴, and community-based leaders participated in the Summer Learning and Enrichment Collaborative, with the majority reporting increased knowledge about how to leverage ARP ESSER funds to support summer programming, 如何设计兼顾学术和社会发展的课程, 以及如何促进或加强学校与社区的伙伴关系. 华莱士基金会发布了 National Call to Action for Summer Learning: How Did School Districts Respond? The findings note that 94% of districts provided summer programming for students across the country in 2021.
  • 来自16个东南亚地区的队伍参加了比赛 促进与实践社区的联系,有些在一个以上的社区. 通过向国家中心学习, 主题专家, 彼此之间, SEA leaders identified problems of practice; designed plans, 以研究证明的实践为指导, to address them; and created new resources to boost the capacity of other educators outside of the Communities. Some SEA-led activities born of Community of Practice participation included:
    • Producing toolkits for LEAs to plan and implement high-quality summer programs for students.
    • 指导当地领导人通过分析如何, 以及学生的利益, 分配ARP ESSER资金.
    • Improving local policies and procedures for resource allocation to ensure equitable access to learning opportunities for all students. 这些社区中的每一个都维持了自己, 基于参与者的意愿, 进入第三年.
  • The 加速学习指南 is among the top 3 resources downloaded from the CCNetwork’s Resource Library (more than 500 downloads). 本指南为教育工作者提供了加速学习的策略, 准备教育工作者和家庭支持学生的学习, offers ways to tailor these approaches for students with a range of learning needs, 并举例说明各州是如何实施这些战略的.





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